"Dear Yui"、今回もたくさんの方々にサポートされました!
"Dear Yui" had supported by many producers this time too!
The producers who had supported are :
Manuel Le Saux, Aeden fan page, Paul Oakenfold, Akku,Jenny Karol Vekhter, M.I.K.E., Indayo, Crystal Clouds, Matt Paul, Dan Delaforce, Alex John Georgoulis, THE WIZARD DK, Erik Iker, Ikerya Project, TranceDivine Videos, Aldo Henrycho, Myk Bee (Official), @DJ Javs, Andrea Mazza, Mysterious Station, Madwave, DJ Aramis, AirLab7, Trance Jimmy, NorthPole / Icebreaker, Gate of Paradise, @Trance UK, DJ Pusher, Azul Sense, Trance.es, Trancendances, Trancemixion 184 by CASW! - www.playtrance.com PlayTrance Radio,
and many more...
and many more...
Thank you very much!(*´▽`*)ノ゛
この"Dear Yui"ですが、3曲のリミックスがリリースされます!
And there is a news.
The 3remixes of "Dear Yui" will be released this year!!